Raising public awareness about the dangers of verbal abuse, the role of mental illness and current impediments to reporting abuse will aid in addressing the scourge of abuse ... 

Presentation given at Hornsby Library focusing on poorly understood issues of psychological, emotional and verbal abuse.

While the public has never been more aware that physical and sexual abuse can devastate victims most have little knowledge about the equally devastating impact of psychological, emotional and verbal abuse or what to do when confronted with such abuse. 

Highlighting elder and verbal abuse on White Ribbon Day at Hornsby Mall.

Joy joined by former Attorney General, and now our local Mayor, Mr Philip Ruddock.

DL size handout defining verbal abuse, who does it, and where to get help. On the reverse side is an explanation about the role of unregulated emotions and how mental illness may be at the root of some family member's abusive behaviour.

Road side banners are placed in high traffic areas to draw attention to the issue of verbal abuse.

New pedestrian pole poster addressing the issue of verbal abuse of the elderly.

Elderly women subject to verbal abuse take more medication than younger women, and have a higher mortality rate than those not verbally abused.


The 'code of silence' is an attitude in our community that abuse is a private matter that does not require a response.  This erroneous thinking further exacerbates the  'psychological gag' that victims of abuse often succumb to under pressure from family and religious groups. These small posters stay put for months and they do get noticed.


Oriented toward young children this booklet defines key concepts for developing and maintaining healthy relationships.


Promoting awareness that a support group exists is done primarily by small posters place on poles next to pedestrian crossings.


The message on this T-shirt is hard to miss!

Survivor support program
Disability support program
Persian Sweets
Emotions and abuse
Self screening tools
Public action
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